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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Official Google Blog: Ten years later

Official Google Blog: Ten years later: The events of September 11, 2001 changed the lives of so many people around the world. In the years since that day, thoughtful online effor...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Being So Blessed!

I feel like it's been forever since I last here it is.  I now have a step-mom and step-brother along with my dad and bro, grandma and uncle.  I have the best boyfriend in the world!  My friends are the best!  God has just done so much in my life through going to Armenia, coming back to GMC 2nd year, etc and I love it!  I can't wait to see all that God has in store for this year!!! We are going to the DR, already went to Pitt, going to NJ.

Lance, Bonnie, Kimmy, Kriston, Josiah, Jenn, Morgan, Hannah and I are working very hard this year so I want to continue to pray for our team!

Amen! :)

Caitlyn A. Inman
GMC student/Worship Intern '11-12
Freedom Valley Worship Center

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

"No Other Way"

No Other Name - Unhindered
Teach my eyes to recognize You
Teach my lips to glorify You
Guide my feet so I can find You
Wherever You are
Be my way, I'm lost without you
Be my light, shining through my every breath
My every move, till every thought is You

One day every knee will bow
To the
God of Glory, the Lord most Holy
Giver of Life, Light of the world
And there's no other name
Worthy of praise but Yours

Teach my eyes to recognize You
Teach my lips to glorify You
Guide my feet so I can find You
Wherever You are

One day every knee will bow
And one day every tongue will confess
You're the
God of Glory, the Lord most Holy
Giver of Life, Light of the world
There's no other name
Worthy of praise but Yours

Jesus, there's no other name but Yours

You're the
God of Glory, the Lord most Holy
God of Glory, the Lord most Holy
Giver of Life, Light of the world
And there's no other name
Worthy of praise, oh there's no other name
Worthy of praise but Yours
There's no other name but Yours

In my room every morning and evening, in my car, at school, at church, everywhere I go, I think..."there has to be a different way or better way of doing this and that.  It could go anywhere from thinking about the fast I'm on, to what my schedule is that day or week.

After this past weekend, I've learned so much from helping at PennDel Youth Convention.  I heard many great songs played by the band UNHINDERED and they gave God the glory in it.  Robert Madu, the speaker, a quote of his was, "When your experience doesn't line up with your expectation, that gives the Holy Spirit room to work in us."

We need to think more along the lines of that.

If you've ever come to a fork in the road and aren't sure which way to take, what path do you take?  What are the precautions you take to get there?

I think to many times people look to much into what the want.  They want it THEIR way and not exactly GOD'S way.  So how do we fix this?

We must go in God's way all the time.  It is because of him sending down his son Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross that we must follow the Lord.  It's not about what we exactly want, or what we choose to do with how we form our lives, but it's because of God's love we are free.  We are free from condemnation when we repent and ask God to change us.  We can't let things hold us back, just like the song says from Jesus Culture.

One way I've learned this year that it's not my way but God's way it through the different fasts I've done.  Not just through fasting different things but through taking the time to listen to music such as, No Other Name - Unhindered.  There is something so powerful I love about the song.  It talks about asking God to guide us in our everyday life form.  In the song, we sing about asking God to teach our eyes to recognize him, and our lips to glorify him.

We need to remember and think clearly on the steps we take to get to where we should go.  We can't cheat, make it easier, take a different route necessarily but it's about asking for God's guidance, because He promises to never leave or forsake us.  We can fully trust him, because he IS the only way, there's no other name but His name!

Caitlyn A. Inman
GMC student/Worship Intern '10-11
Elevate Leadership Ministry School
Freedom Valley Worship Center

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Purposeful Fast

Through the past few months, fasting different things almost nonstop, I've learned to pray in the time that I would normally do the thing I'm fasting.  Before this school year, I never really knew why exactly we fasted except that Jesus and others in the Bible did it.  I've been fasting McDonalds now for about a month, did the 3 day Harvest Cry fast, fasted facebook and for a few days trying to work on not complaining, critizing, or something else.

In this time, I realize that I complain a lot and that temptation from that can be a huge thing.  I learned that confessing that can make me more free.  Last class we learned about confession.  That really helped me out this year because, there have been things in my past that I haven't been completely proud of.  I've talked to different people about different things, confessing what I think I did wrong or thought wrong.  Confession can bring out the best for us.  It brings out trust, honesty and integrity.  Along with that may go temptation.  Something huge that I learned from Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren is that the devil tempts us when we are sort of doing well.  If we were already on his side, there wouldn't be much temptation.  Therefore when we are being tempted and know it's the devil, that gives us the perfect opportunity to do the complete opposite.  That teaches us too that temptation is really a compliment.  Temptation is a sign that Satan hates us because we aren't doing his evil will in that area.

In making my fast purposeful, I've been praying for than ever, not really about the temptation to use facebook but to pray for more important things such as ministry opportunities, schoolwork, jobs, etc.  Either way in the time of fasting, I've learned to trust God with my heart, knowing that he will take care of the things I may fear.  This is definately a purposeful fast for me. :)

Caitlyn A. Inman
GMC student/Worship Intern '10-11
Elevate Leadership Ministry School
Freedom Valley Worship Center

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Live a life in fear or in faith?

In our lives, why do we live in fear?  I think people tend to live in fear to much.  Lance said to GMC today that you know you are worrying (fear) whenever you don't have peace anymore.  Why do we worry when we have our Father in Heaven?  Just because you can't really see God physically, he is around us. :)

Lately, especially the past few weeks in this sermon series...I've been so amazed by God and just love how he's been working through me and each team I'm with.  I've been dealing lately with just fear issues with school, family, jobs, but I was told by many people to pray, not worry, and one person cared enough to share with me Matthew 6:25-34 which I know I've said the past few blogs.  It's just really stuck with me and hit me lately.  The opposite of fear is faith.  What I've learned is that if I don't have faith with God, then I'm not trusting in him enough.  I don't think I was completely trusting in him with money lately.  After hearing the sermon and a friend praying for me, actually a few people, I know that God will provide finances I need for Armenia Missions Trip and school next year as well as this summer.

God is so amazing, just how he's transforming our worship team spiritually, coming closer together reading Bible passages on occasion.  We have great 6x6 goals that we are working on.  Trying to find new members for sound, getting together a River Service, etc.  I can't wait to see what we come up with.  I'm starting to work more on my goals which are to make my own mission and vision statement, pass my classes at least a B for each, eating more fruits and vegetables, time management, etc.  
Through GMC God is changing us into a closer team.  We're wanting to possibly do a human video for graduation.  We've been lifting each other up in prayer casting out the fears that we have.  We're asking God to provide and we know he'll provide the finances and anything we need for Armenia.
Through GMC Worship Team, lately we've had an awesome time with our practices, just worshiping and having fun.  It's been such a blessing and a joy for me to work with them.
I love the messages that are going on with the church and in youth and kids.  
I just thank God so much for all he's provided me with lately.

A fear i'm sort of dealing with now is how my GMC family is going to deal not having our dog Elecktra again. I prayed a bit through the house last night just asking for peace and restoration over everyone in the house.  Lulu doesn't have to struggle anymore or be sick.  Though it may seem like I don't like dogs that much sometimes, I do.  I just don't like all the slobbering and hair but I still love the dogs.

I'm praying with as much faith as I can for the next step in my life.  I know that God has called me to another year of GMC, and to be in worship/ youth ministry, and to move to Tulsa.  Eventually I want to reside in New Oxford and I want to try to go to the beach as much as I can in the summer because that is where I love to see God's beauty.  Worship music here at Freedom Valley and the beach is just perfect for me, with my family and friends.

These have just been a few pics to illustrate what the past year has been for me.  I only pray for more amazing things and especially through our trip to Armenia!!  People fear for us going there but we are going in faith.  People are going with unhealthy fear...I'm going with positive fear which is Faith in Christ!!! :)

I'm going to Armenia to submit myself to simplicity and serving in Christ like we learned last week with Mother Teresa.  She sounded like such an amazing woman of God and I remember back to the time she passed.  Lord, I just submit myself, time, and talents, prayers to you on this trip and for the rest of my life! :)

Caitlyn A. Inman
GMC student/Worship Intern '10-11
Elevate Leadership Ministry School
Freedom Valley Worship Center

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thanking, Praising and Worshiping

Have you thought about the way you live at all?

Lately, I've really been spending a lot more time in the word and just talking to God.  It's been such a blessing in my life and I want to share it with others.  In the past few weeks, I've been worrying, fearful of different things, choices that I will probably make.  What I've learned from this is that the opposite of fear is faith.  So, when I was fearing things, I wasn't trusting and having faith in God.  When did I stop having faith in him?  I believe it could have been when I've lost special people in my life due to cancer, suicide, etc.  Ever since a great friend, sister in Christ shared Matthew 6:25-34 with me, I've felt so relieved and blessed to be serving a God who loves and cares for me.  God is not fake or materially fake.  He gives us everything and anything we need.  I know, that I just need to follow and trust in him.

Another friend of mine asked me to pray more about different things I've been worried about and find the reasons why.  She also told me to make some expectations for myself for this schoolyear still.  I'm still working on the expectations but I think with fearing things, it's because I'm afraid God wouldn't do it when I want it.  I know though that God has a plan for me and it's far more greater than what I can imagine if I follow and trust in him.

In fearing different things, I was prayed for by many different people but when a great missionary from India prophesied over me what I've been praying for lately, I was stunned.  He prayed over me exactly what I prayed for all weekend.  God is just so amazing!

Through worship this week, I've never felt closer to God than what I have this week.  Between GMC worship and FVWC woship, my own prayer/worship time, it's been amazing.  I've been more prepared for worship, taking the time to sit down and just pray.  It's been a huge thing for me just getting back into "The Heart of Worship."  I've felt so blessed just doing everything I have with worship and would love to do more.  Along with worshiping God, I thank and praise him for answering prayers I've had lately.  I asked to heal  friend, and he did.  I've asked for answers with the summer (family & job), he's answered that.  I asked him to show me his heart in Armenia, which I'm now settled with the trip though money could possibly be a problem.  I've also asked him for the spiritual gift of leadership.  Some people in my life told me that I have great potential to be one but that I can't be afraid to step out into that role. 

I just thank you Lord, for all you've been doing in my life.  I pray that you continue to strengthen me and build me up into the woman of God you want me to be.  I want to be able to serve you all the time for your kingdom!  Lord God, change my heart into pureness.  Things that I struggle with (talking about others) help me to become the better person.  I thank you and praise you for all you do, so now I just want to bless you with my worship.  I invite you for forever!  Thank you God!

Caitlyn A. Inman
Gettysburg Masters Commission student'10-11
Elevate Leadership Ministry School
Freedom Valley Worship Center

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

That's What Faith Can Do

If it's anything I should talk about in my life from this past week, it would be talking about my faith.  A friend and I recently had a fantastic time/meeting at Panera Bread to talk about our growth group plans for others to join.  She asked me if I was ok, that I didn't seem like myself.  I was sort of stunned at that. I thought I was having a pretty good day even though I have a million things on my mind and praying about.  I shared a lot with her and she had me read:

Matthew 6:25-34
25 “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are? 27 Can all your worries add a single moment to your life?
 28 “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, 29 yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. 30 And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?
 31 “So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ 32 These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. 33 Seek the Kingdom of God[d] above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
 34 “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

I've read the passage before, but I think almost just read over it and not really seeing it until today.  I've learned that the reason tend to worry so much, about school, relationships, jobs/internships, etc is because I don't put all my faith and trust in God.  I always thought I have but I haven't as much as a I thought.  What I've learned is that, letting go and laying down everything at the foot of the cross can be a hard step.  If you do that however, putting, keeping the faith and trust in God is all we can do in life.  God is our only way to live by and for.  This a prinicple I need to take with me everywhere I go.  Anywhere I travel in the future, those people need to know top ut their faith and hearts into Christ

Also, something I've been realizing is that, with this 40 day purpose fast, I've been spending much more time in the word and worshipping God.  I feel like I haven't had that in a few months.  Having it back is really nice and I pray to make this more of a habit.  God is just fantastic and really brought me into my own light lately!

"Lord, thank you for all you do! You are so awesome and have shown me so much faith, love, mercy, and grace. I pray to give all those right back to you! Amen."

Caitlyn A. Inman
Gettysburg Masters Commission student'10-11
Elevate Leadership Ministry School
Freedom Valley Worship Center